Are the benefits of Kombucha real?

There are many beneficial effects reported for the regular consumption of Kombucha. Among them are: Improvement of intestinal transit, improvement of the digestive process, strengthening of the immune system, improvements in general well-being and mental health, strengthening nails and hair, promoting weight loss, increasing energy levels, among others.

But one of the recurring questions is: Are the benefits of Kombucha real? We know they are, but we went to find out what our consumers say. For this, we implemented a post-purchase questionnaire in our online store where we asked our consumers what they felt after regularly taking GUTsy Captain Kombucha or GUTsy Captain Kombucha Zero.

64% reported improvement in intestinal transit.
53% describe improved digestion/heartburn.
41% indicate an improvement in their energy levels.
70% report improvement in their general well-being.
59% reported feeling less bloated.
97% thought GUTsy Captain Kombucha tasted Excellent or Good.
96% would recommend GUTsy Captain Kombucha to friends and family.
100% intend to continue drinking GUTsy Captain Kombucha in the future.

* Results of a survey carried out with 235 GC Kombucha consumers in Portugal and Spain.

Try it today, and confirm. The results are really amazing!


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